by Brian | Feb 25, 2014
You will have gathered by now that something rather big is afoot. It will all soon by made plain, as our plan is to bring this game to world properly by the end of March... In a word, Glory. To say that we are excited is to miss the mark entirely. Elated....
by Brian | Feb 17, 2014
I left you last time having introduced the long road to a new beginning – the origin of Anvil Eight Games.Now, I would like to introduce the broadest strokes of the game toward which we have been working tirelessly for the last two years - Aetherium. It has, I should...
by Brian | Jan 31, 2014
It began in a manner that I suspect is rather common in our small corner of the blogosphere: I started a blog as a means of staying connected with the hobby world when the pressures of real life otherwise intervened. Sounds familiar. ….excepting that in my case, this...
by Brian | Jan 22, 2014
I may have been absent, but I have not been idle.Not at all. More to follow...
by Brian | Jun 5, 2013
Yes. Another one. And this is one endeavor that you really should support. Andrew May (the heart and soul of Meridian Miniatures) is a top-notch individual. I have had the distinct pleasure of working with him on a new project recently, and can attest singularly...