Adepticon 2012 Review Day 1

40k room going on full blastSo another Adepticon is behind us. After 10 hours of driving we arrived at the Con around 4pm on Thursday. After we checked, got our badges and ate dinner I went down to the Malifaux cake match. All the cakes.All the cakes where...

Changes ahead

Well after letting this blog sit way too long without updates, it's time to get things rolling. Now that I am back in school, this will be a great place to keep up on my work and start using html more. I have a ton of painted stuff to post up as soon as I can take...

SteamBorg is active!

My SteamborgSo there he is. Took me a couple of hours to paint him, the blue on the skin really turned out dead making him look more undead since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be living.

Workin in the soulstone mine

Long time no post. I have finally started painting my ramos crew and got them all based and ready to go. This is the start of me getting all my Arcanists painted up to use. This is everything I have, but I have a couple of models that are on order to add them.I had to...

Failure of 2010 and Painting Points for 2011

Well 2010 has been a painting and modeling failure. Real Life and video games has totally gotten in the way of the hobby. But with 2011 is a new year and I will have a new army. I will be setting up a painting point system that I have seen on various blogs.Infantry =...