Here at gencon

Well gencon has started and let the craziness begin. Here are some of the awesome things I've seen so far.FletchLocation:W Maryland St,Indianapolis,United States

Hydra Dominatus

Today I bring you the Elites of my army. The only Elites I really have are 8 terminators which I run in different amounts and set ups. The most common way is just 3 melta terminators which are cheap and are a force that my opponent has to deal with.

Hydra Dominatus

Posting a lot later than normal today just too much going on. I figured now that I have a light box I'd finally going to get good pictures of all my Alpha Legion models. First up Heavy Support. I really do not have much when it comes to this just a Land Raider and 4...

First Malifaux model

Last night I started on my first model for my Malifaux there is a lot of detail on these models so I will be taking my time with this so far I've gotten most of the base coat done. This was my first time doing stripes on a model. I think I did a ok job but they aren't...

Life in the way.

Well this last Wednesday I had sugery to remove a kidney stone so not much done on the hobby side of things. But on the good side of things I just got these in.Best Birthday present ever!So look forward to going with my girlfriend and taking tons of pictures so look...