Old Models- Better Camera

I've borrowed a decent Sony camera from a neighbour, and played around in photoshop. Before I upload pictures of my latest models, here's some of my older models reposted with better pictures. Eldar Guardian - Painted this year, this was a very quick and simple...

Blood Angels Whole Army (so far)

I have borrowed a much better camera for the time being, but I'll need to get hold of a card reader before I can use it - until then, here's my current complete Blood Angels list, alongside some blurry photographs! I've picked up a bit of pace in the last few days,...

WiP – Blood Angels Faces

I've been doing some more work on my tactical marines, and this time I've been working on a section at a time. Here are my latest faces, my third combat squad so far...Since I never completed my painting guide, heres how I paint red:- Black Undercoat- Flat coat of...

The Blood Angels return…

Apologies for the hiatus, I've recently moved into a new house and I've had very little time for painting. The good news is that I now have much more room to paint, and my Blood Angels are back on the painting table, going at a much faster rate than before. Expect...

Ultramarines (Pre-Heresy-ish!)

The Ultramarines aren't a chapter I've ever considered colecting, and I never thought I'd be posting any of them to this blog - but that's exactly what I'm about to do.Before reading any further, may I direct you to this blog, where there are some excellent Pre-Heresy...