Sho gad adol!

Still working on my Gundabad / Azog’s Legion Battle Company. Almost done as there are only two Orcs left without paint. Maybe I can finally test the Battle Companies setting during the coming days. Three new Orcs from Gundabad… …armed with spears....


Now that I finally got my hands on the very exciting Battle Companies expansion I have a problem (again). There are lots and lots of teams I would like to give a try. Well then…let’s start. After the first Dwarf of the Iron Hills I painted a test Orc from...

Welcome the Crookback Creepers!

Now that the last two Gutter Runners were painted I am finally there! The Skaven Blood Bowl Team – The Crookback Creepers – are ready to enter the field. Really looking forward to play them. I hope they don’t get mashed up to easily…I am used...

Companies of Battle

I am super excited regarding the upcoming release of the Middle-Earth Battle Companies book! Of course I preordered a copy and will go and fetch it next saturday. What an awesome excuse to start new projects, get them painted fast and even play with them shortly after...


Here he comes! Hailing from the Black Mountain Blades, one of the most notorious Star Players! Welcome Grim Ironjaw! I’ve always wanted to paint up some Star Players for Blood Bowl. Especially all the Dwarves available. I picked Grim to be the first one. Of...