Furry Formation

This time I painted four Skaven at once. The last three Linemen and the last remaining Blitzer were due. Now it’s only two Gutter Runners left until the Crookback Creepes are able to challenge the other Aleatores’ teams. Three Linemen and a Blitzer for the...

Characters of the XVIth Legion

The recently finished Sons of Horus Terminators gave me the motivation to work a bit more on the XVIth Legion. For the last missions of the Betrayal at Calth board game I am in need of yet another Legion Veteran Sergeant. So I sat down and came up with a miniature...

Sons of Horus Cataphractii squad

While visiting the local GW some days ago I noticed a test match of the new Shadespire game. Suddenly it came to my mind (looking at the hex-fields on the board) that I really would like to go on with Flattevieh’s and my own little campaign playing the Betrayal...

Sneaky Creepers

The Crookback Creepers now have 50% of their team painted thanks to the two new additions. I am well aware that these Gutter Runners lack a lot of colour in comparison to their team mates. Yet I think it is an appropriate choice to have specialists like them look a...

The Augurium

Now that my latest Space Marine project was finished (for now), I thought of a new project to get myself busy again on some power armour. Why not try a new Kill Team? So I went for the Grey Knights this time as I have never painted them before. Actually I had a soft...