Jensus Natorian

Here he comes – my last Deathwatch Space Marine for our planed Deathwatch: Overkill campaign. As you might remember we played some missions of the board game earlier this year and decided to play the whole campaign as the game was lots of fun. Every player...


Had a couple of Blood Bowl matches during the last days and had a lot of fun again. Therefore I fancy with lots of different choices regarding my next team. Yet the Crookback Creepers (a Skaven team) are still my main priority. Three new players were finished today,...

Crookback Creepers

I am still enjoying raiding the Blood Bowl fields with my Dwarves yet there has to come a second team at some point. At first I tried an Orc team but with no lasting success. I noticed a bit to late that I actually would prefer a team that plays really different from...

The Quest is on

And another small project has ended, at least under the brush. With the last three Men at arms finished my Bretonnian Skirmish Warband is ready for the gaming table. Alas these finished projects are kind of a self-deception as the next step the 500 points list is long...

For the City of Kings!

First step of the Gondor project is done and ready for the battlefield. Due to several other projects it took me quite some time to finish again as I started working on the men of Minas Tirith in October 2015. Now I am eager to test them as they are my first good...