Podcast #15 – The Orkiest Codex Review!

Podcast #15 – The Orkiest Codex Review!

Oi Ya Gitz!  Godfrey here bringing with me the Orkiest book 40k has for our newest codex review. Not unlike the Grim Dark, Orks is here ta stay, and so with my love for the army finally able to be shown by playing the army, I think it's only fair to let you guys...
Catching Up, and Making Progress

Catching Up, and Making Progress

Hey there everyone, Godfrey here with something of a personal update for you guys.  Most of the articles I write are written with the express idea of discussing something about this or that, but I thought I'd take some time to gather my progress on the many fronts...
A Quick Thought on the Style of 7th

A Quick Thought on the Style of 7th

Hey everyone and welcome back.  Though it's been a while since our last real hard look into some of the newest books brought out for 40k, that doesn't mean we haven't been having some fun collecting and reading them.  Quite a few new codexes have dropped...
The Indy Open Approaches

The Indy Open Approaches

Hey Folks, and welcome back.  With August drawing near it's end, September looms on the horizon.  While normally the shift in months can pass with relatively little notice from me, this shift is a big one.  With GenCon behind us, it's time for the gamers of...

Lex Verum Astartes VI: The Armoury – Armour

Welcome to the next installment of my Tru-Scale project.  Today we'll cover something which more or less defines a Space Marine both in aesthetic and durability.  The various types of armour which the Adeptus Astartes wear may differ in their design, color, and...