RobPod 20: They’re Back!

In the Grim Dark caverns of the Grim Dark worlds, in the Grim Dark Universe of 40k, they awaken. They have risen once again to lay claim to the universe, and the top-tier spot of the tournament scene! Welcome back folks to this installment of the RobPod - our review...

RoBPod #17: 40k Exstravaganza!

Welcome back, and welcome to the first of many things to come from our 40k Extravaganza! Gathering many of our closest friends and their armies, Corvus, Trooper, Havok, and Ultimate Dave and myself gathered for a weekend of pure 40k goodness.  With many games...
Intergalactic Toys Hits Indy

Intergalactic Toys Hits Indy

Hey folks, welcome back.  So continuing my unplanned stint away from the Grim Dark, I come today bearing more of a news spot and review rather than my usual observations and musings.  Recently a friend of mine had asked me "Hey... wanna go to this new toy store...
A Quick Thought on Dungeon Mastering (DM’ing)

A Quick Thought on Dungeon Mastering (DM’ing)

Hi folks, time to change gears for a moment and talk about something outside of the Grim Dark. Recently I started putting together some elements for a D&D campaign which takes inspiration from several sources, and mixes them together into the core ideas that make...