8/7/14: Finished: Knights of La Mancha House Raven Commission

8/7/14: Finished: Knights of La Mancha House Raven Commission

Howdy folks!First off, I apologize for the lack of updates the last couple of weeks. I've just completed my big move, and am now located in Denver! I've been checking out a couple of stores in the area too, so be sure to drop me a line if anyone wants a game, to chat,...
7/20/14: Finished: Eldar Wraithknight Trio

7/20/14: Finished: Eldar Wraithknight Trio

Howdy folks!I didn't get a chance to share my new Nurgle projects this week, but fret not! I'll get a post up on them next week at some point, I promise! In return, though, I blew through the latest commission to cross the painting desk and, boy, is this one a doozy!...
6/30/14: WIP: Nurgle Chaos Army…or Armies?!

6/30/14: WIP: Nurgle Chaos Army…or Armies?!

Howdy folks!Wow! Almost two weeks without a post! That's no good! It's not that I haven't been super busy, I just haven't had a chance to wrap any projects up! After the Heldrake, I've been working hard on the Chaos Daemons and Good Game's second and third WHFB...