8/8/15: Showcase: Ork Mek Gunz Commission

Howdy folks!Its been busy here in the studio the past couple weeks! I'm behind on uploading stuff here to the blog but if you've been keeping up on the Facebook page you've seen Infinity and my Imperial Fists go up! Here's the latest commission we completed; a...

7/21/15: Showcase: Clan Raukaan Iron Hands Army Commission!

Howdy folks!Its been a busy two weeks here in the studio! Picked up some new furniture and did some shuffling, but those pictures are for a different time! Most of that time was spent getting this Iron Hands commission completed!This project consisted of:4...

7/3/15: Showcase: Salamanders Drop Pods Commission

Howdy folks!Close on the heels of the new Space Marines codex comes a couple weeks of Space Marines commissions!First off is a set of Drop Pods for a Salamanders army! These kits look so good when they're all done up, it's a shame they're such a bitch to put together!...

6/29/15: Showcase: Lizardman and Elves Blood Bowl Commission

Howdy folks! This time around we have a duo of Blood Bowl teams done, dusted, and ready for the pitch! Really enjoyed this commission, especially the Lizardmen as I own the models myself and really want to get mine painted now! Let's walk through the teams.First is...