11/15/12: Finished: Reaper Elf Ranger and Orcland Raiders Shots

Hey guys!So I've been busy the last couple of days! We've got a big game of Apocalypse planned for the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so we've been planning that. I've been busy at the studio though putting out some projects! The Smells Like Painting Mojo is back! I...

11/13/12: This Week in Painting!

Hey guys!Ugh, another week without a post! I was extremely busy last week, and everytime I wanted to pick up a brush, life and school got in the way! A paper or two, a couple dates, work, but fear not, I’ve got work to report on!Just a quick walkthrough of what I’m...

11/5/12: Painting: I Ain’t Dead Yet!

Hey guys!Quick post today while I'm waiting for my afternoon classes to start! I've been pretty busy over the last week or so; it doesn't mean I haven't been painting, but I just haven't had time to post! So, here's a little sneak peek of tonight's post!WIP of Festus...

10/26/12: Tutorial: Vibrant Rusting Technique

Hey guys!Wait, what is this? A new tutorial? Get outta here! No, you read that right! This is one I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and I’ve gotten pretty positive feedback from the style, so I figured it was time to rock this guy out! This rusting technique is...