by Grizzly Adams | May 29, 2011
Hey all, Grizz here. Life has happened, once again, and for the 4th time in 12 months, I am movin. So, this past week has been quite hectic, packin up every piece of my life and gettin ready to move across 60 miles and a time zone. Awesome. So I apologize for the lack...
by Grizzly Adams | May 18, 2011
Hola Bear Cubs! Just wanted to share with you the letter that I sent to Games Workshop today, regarding their pricing structure. I felt that I had no right to bitch and moan if I didn't do anything about it, so I wrote them a letter explaining my feelings and...
by Grizzly Adams | May 17, 2011
Hi all, this is a repost from 3++ Is The New Black, an open letter to Games Workshop written by Kirby about the new price hikes. Thought I'd share it with you...
by Grizzly Adams | May 15, 2011
I miss you already ;..(Today marked the first time in a long time that I played a 2000pt Blood Angel list minus my big man, my Great Bambino, The Sanguinor. Ol' Sangy is an amazing piece of work. He truly is a unit that supports, protects, and makes the rest of your...
by Grizzly Adams | May 10, 2011
Ok guys, thanks for bearing with me, Finals are over, College is in the books, and I am now just another unemployed graduate lookin for work! over the course of Finals week, I was able to get in a couple games of 40k with Pariah.Stevo of Tainted By...