Guest Hobby Post: Lasgun/Small Arms Conversions

Today, going to do a guest post, as I got sent in some great conversions using the various small arms and Imperial Guard bits available.  A few a bit advanced but nothing too hard either.  This is from Mad Hawky, and I'll have his info he sent me in italics...

8th Edition News drops from Adepticon

Well our first big news regarding the upcoming changes to 40k have dropped from Adepticon.  Not only rumors but also new Death Guard models have been revealed and Mortarion has pretty much been confirmed as the next Primarch (daemon obviously).  As far as...

Astra Militarum Tactics: Nork Deddog

To continue with the Ogyrn theme, I'll be going over the Ogryn special character, Nork Deddog.  Like all the special characters in the codex he is highly priced, but for what he does I think he is not too highly priced, unlike some (looking at you Straken)....

Astra Militarum Tactics: Ogryns and Bullgryns

Ogryns and Bullgryns, the overcosted elites of the IG.  Ogryns especially, they are expensive, have crappy armor, and no real way to get into close combat.  Bullgryns, while not being the most points efficient unit, have some actual uses, they are better in...

Gathering Storm: Character Analysis

With the gathering storm series at an end, I want to go back and to take a look at the Imperial Characters again and go over the strengths for an Astra Militarum or Tempestus army.  There are quite a few good options and a couple are just ok, but workable....