by Hendybadger | Feb 6, 2013
After my failed Hendybadger vs Doc Cosmos challenge, I have decided I need to crack on and get some painting done. The more experience I get the better, and I wont get any while the paints are still in the box. But where to start? I have the entire range of Pulp City...
by Hendybadger | Feb 4, 2013
You may have noticed that things get swapped around and changed on this site every know and then. This is because I am constantly trying to improve it for the readers. Easier layouts, new ranges, helpful topics, that sort of thing. As a little bit of personal research...
by Hendybadger | Feb 3, 2013
Social networking is a huge thing these days. Millions of people use it for millions of different things. One of which is to organise, check out and discuss tabletop games. There are a lot of great Facebook gaming groups out there so I thought I would share my...
by Hendybadger | Feb 2, 2013
The month long challenge between myself and Pulp Citizen is over. The challenge was to paint up the Hendybadger and Doc Cosmos. Both being our own miniatures. I failed! I could real off a load of excuses about time and the lack of it but no. I chose to fail! Here is...
by Hendybadger | Feb 1, 2013
In the early hours of tomorrow morning, the Galley Wench and the Hendybadger will be heading off to PAW 2013. A huge 2 day gaming show in Plymouth, Devon, UK. As well as looking at the tons of different demos games, retail stands and tournaments that are going on we...