Starting to Paint Again. But YOU Decided Which Minis!

After my failed Hendybadger vs Doc Cosmos challenge, I have decided I need to crack on and get some painting done. The more experience I get the better, and I wont get any while the paints are still in the box. But where to start? I have the entire range of Pulp City...

Which bits do YOU like?

You may have noticed that things get swapped around and changed on this site every know and then. This is because I am constantly trying to improve it for the readers. Easier layouts, new ranges, helpful topics, that sort of thing. As a little bit of personal research...

Tabletop Gamers on Facebook. A Community for You.

Social networking is a huge thing these days. Millions of people use it for millions of different things. One of which is to organise, check out and discuss tabletop games. There are a lot of great Facebook gaming groups out there so I thought I would share my...

Hendybadger vs Doc Cosmos Challenge – Failed!

The month long challenge between myself and Pulp Citizen is over. The challenge was to paint up the Hendybadger and Doc Cosmos. Both being our own miniatures. I failed! I could real off a load of excuses about time and the lack of it but no. I chose to fail! Here is...

Heading off to PAW 2013! Going to be ‘Supreme’!

In the early hours of tomorrow morning, the Galley Wench and the Hendybadger will be heading off to PAW 2013. A huge 2 day gaming show in Plymouth, Devon, UK. As well as looking at the tons of different demos games, retail stands and tournaments that are going on we...