Touching cloth: sculpting folds of fabric in greenstuff 

Hello there! I’ve been sculpting a hell of a lot of cloth for my necromunda gangs lately and received quite a few messages asking how I go about ... touching cloth.So here we go!Tool list:•Two bits of clear plastic (the plastic from the clam shell packages...

Van Saar: The dust gate orb weavers Finished!

After a bloody age of these guys sitting on my desk I've only gone and finished them! And I'm really happy with how they came out.As it's been 7 months since I did the concept for them I'll recap whats been done.Each one has padding sculpted between the hips, neck,...

Van Saar:The dust gate orb weavers pt1

The Orb Weavers are a unique and strange gang. Sent down to the edges of the hive bottom to intercept incoming ash storms with intricate webs of nano molecular magnets to collect, what house Van Saar suspect, are nano-bots. Spread across the ash wastes and slowly...

The Lowthian Bells: Finished

 Thats all 10 members complete!What a joy to paint! So lets take a closer look at my toys!Marie Hardheart: Princess of the wastes and the driving force of the Lowthian Bells. Like all of the Bells her hair was bleached bright white by the toxic exposure although...

The Lowthian Bells Pt I

Endless waves of bleached grey ash spread across the surface of Necromunda. Hundreds of kilometres of toxic desert separate each desperate settlement in this barren land. Out of this brutal environment stalk the Lowthian Bells. Once an enforcer crew of house...