Salute, Robots and Raffles last day!

I've lit the fuse on my Stompy War Bastards army! Sent into pacify a planet before a hive tower was built the army will be pulling itself out of the rad-wastes in the underhive! Cannot get enough of these models. And I have a lot more sitting on my desk begging for a...

Raffle: Just 3 days left!

Me and John at last years Nottingham pilgrimage. I'll be picking the names of the winners in just 3 days! To enter and win one of the Blanchjisu models or an original John Blanche illustration please give what you can to this worthy cause in memory of Sir Terry...

Raffle: An emotional hobby month

Dear raffle supporters and readers,I've been writing this post for a while in my head and am just getting around to putting it down on digital paper now. A few days ago I received this letter that I felt should be sent to everyone supporting the raffle.When I started...

40k Assassin kill team conversions

Took some pretty pictures of my kill team so far. I guess it will turn into more of a squadron once I'm all done. I have such plans. I'll give you the list but I want to save the details as a surprise:CallidusCulexusEversor VindicareVenenumVanusMaerorusOrdo Scriptorum...


And this one has been kept under my hat for a little while. Stuart Thomas, old school 'eavy metal painter from 92 - 2001 and studio head over at Sublime Brushworks ( kindly got in touch the day after the raffle went live and offered...