Win more Blanchitsu models!

WIN ME! Peter Hudson, better known as PDH, and one of the original few selected to be in the Blanchitsu articles in visions, has donated one of his creations!Peter was one of the first names I came across when I started to destroy my models and jam them back together...

The Culexus Assassin

The next part of my Assassins re-invention project is the Culexus. I was worried about this one, a real enigma in terms of fluff and the model itself. Of which I've only seen two. The regular GW one and one other conversation. What was missing for me in the models...

Win an original John Blanche illustration

That's right. The prize pool has been donated to by my friend and one of the founders of Games Workshop John Blanche himself. The man who created the images of the world of GW we love. This is an original and one off piece in ink and pen. And you could win it...

Win my Blanchjitsu models

Want to win some of the Blanchjitsu models published in Visions issue 8?Give whatever you can on the just giving page and your name will be picked out of a hat at the end of the month. If it does really well I'll put up more models and pick out more names. All...

RIP Terry Pratchett

Science Fiction and Fantasy writers have influenced our hobby for as long as our hobby has existed. And one of the most influential people in my life passed away today. Terrys books got me into reading when I didn't want to as a child, In fact probably gave me the...