On the Painting Table… June

Time for a bold statement. This month, June 2013, will finally see all my Space Wolves painted, complete and finished. Over 5,000pts of Wolves painted and all my urges to paint more of them satisfied. But what have I got left to complete this aim?To start with I have...

H-Armless Wolf Guard Terminators

Firstly I would like to start this post by apologising for the Dad joke in the title. I don't know, I am sorry. I shall control the urges to use poor pun titles in the future... if I can.Anyway, these guys are unarmed as they are all magnetised, which will allow this...

Come Here to Win a Lictor

Those of you with a good memory may remember the competition I ran on this blog for one lucky person to receive this Tyranid Lictor. Unfortunately the person who won failed to claim their prize so I still have him to give away!With that good news here is the deal - to...

2 Years Old.

Just a quick post today to mark the second anniversary of the beginning of Travelling the Immaterium. It is amazing how time flies when you are having fun!A lot has changed both in the 40k world and in my real life. I am looking to get some more gaming-based posts up,...

Eye Spy With my Little… Sniper Scope?

Five more Space Wolves complete and this time it is a unit that I quite enjoy using on the table top - Sniper Scouts.I decided not to heavily 'wolf' up these guys and instead have added a little bit of fur to the top part of their cloaks.I have two other sniper scouts...