Chaos Damonette of Slaanesh Test Model

Last night I completed a test model for a squad of Daemonettes I plan on using alongside my Chaos Space Marine force, so here are a few pics to see if anyone has nay tips I can use to improve before I start on the remaining 9.Relatively simple paint scheme so far,...

On the Painting Table… March

A new month and a few new targets to throw my paintbrush at! I managed to clear all the previous months targets which I am pretty pleased about and now I can move on to all new models which I haven't looked at painting yet.The first of these are the models you can see...

Another Trollblood… The Pyre Troll

I cannot believe we are a third of the way through March already! This year is flying by already.Another of my Horde army complete, the Pyre Troll this time. Relatively straightforward and simple paint job on this guy. Was still an enjoyable model to paint.This now...

Chaos Models of Dark Vengeance

Just a quick post to finish off the month, the full collection of Chaos Marines from the Dark Vengeance box set that I have finally got completed over the last few months.With these guys complete, I only have a metric ton of other Chaos stuff to paint, as well as the...

Dark Vengeance Chaos Chosen Marines… Pt 3

It has taken some time, but finally I have finished the Chaos Space Marines element of the Dark Vengeance box set (released Aug/Sept '12). I am not including the Cultists in this as they aren't Marines.These guys are the beginning of my Slaaneshi/Emperor's Children...