How I Paint my Gold

Today I am going to tell you how I paint the gold trim, as seen on my Slaaneshi/Emperor's Children.A very simple recipe, largely borrowed from the guys over at a Tale of Painters, we will need the following paints:Rhinox Hide, Brass Scorpion, Warplock Bronze, Agrax...

Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood

Another Troll down on my quest to completely paint all the models I have for that army, this time it is the Oracle herself, Calandra Truthsayer.I really enjoy painting the Trolls and in some ways I am disappointed to only have one Pyre Troll and a Mauler left to go...

Dark Vengeance Chaos Chosen Marines… Part 2

Here we have another 2 completed Chaos Chosen Space Marines from the Dark Vengeance box set, ready to join the other models I have finished from that set. Only 2 more to go now!Not much else to say really, so just enjoy the other pictures I have taken of these two...

On the Painting Table… February

A week in to February already? Boy this year is starting to fly by! Anyway, it's time to quickly catch up on what I managed to get done last month and what the plan is for the month ahead.Of the four targets I had last month, I only completed the two Chaos Space...

Trollbloods Pyg Burrowers Done

On Sunday evening I completed this little unit for my Trollbloods force, the Pyg Burrowers, who are, while a fair bit smaller than the other trolls in the faction, are just as nasty. Their slugger guns can punch a few holes through pretty much anything, which is...