Dark Vengeance Chaos Chosen Marines… Part 1

Here we have the latest two models that I have completed from the Dark Vengeance box set, namely the Chaos Chosen Aspiring Champion and one standard Chosen Space Marine with a bolter.As with all models from that box set, these models are highly detailed and will make...

On the Painting Table… January

Back in my review of 2012 and looking forward to 2013 post I mentioned that I would be looking to put forward a monthly feature or two. Well, this is the first one and hopefully I can use it to track how much progress I am making on my targets for each month.All...

Circle of Orboros Wolves Master and Totem Bearer

I finished these two guys a couple of weeks back but, as I was giving them to a mate as a Christmas present, have refrained from putting them on the blog until he received them.Well, now he has them so now I can unleash them on the here.They are the Wolves Master and...

Inquisitor Solomon Lok and Retinue

This is the project I have been working away at over Christmas, Solomon Lok and his retinue from Forgeworld, and now that I have given them to my mate (as a late Christmas present) I can post them up on the blog for you all to see.A great little set to play around...

A New Year, A New Hope.

Wow, we are now in 2013. How did we get here? 2012 seems like much of a blur now and boy, was it a biggun as well.I have seen a lot of comments and other blog posts about how the 40k universe has evolved over the last year so I am not going to touch too much on that,...