My Las Vegas Open Game – Battle Report

Nick speaking,So, with all the build up over the last few posts, it is finally time for Aceface and I to have our practice game for his journey to the Las Vegas Open. I wish him all the best at the tournament, but for now, I will do my very best to put his amazing Tau...

My Las Vegas Open Game – Necron List!

Nick speaking,Continuing on from my previous post and the practice game I am having with my buddy Aceface on his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year, and it's time to reveal my army list!First off all, I really want to try out a few new things with this list. I...

My Las Vegas Open Game – Necron Destroyers Ready!

Nick speaking,Following on from my previous post about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. Here are the new minis I needed to paint for our practice game. I will go over my list in the next post, but for now, here are my...

My Las Vegas Open Game – Preparation!

Nick speaking,Following on from my previous post where I talked about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. We have planned a practice game to get him in tip top condition with his fantastic Tau army, as he takes the road to what is...

Eldar War Walkers #1

Nick speaking,Time for another change from the Wolves and paint up some more Eldar. Next on the desk then are my three War Walkers. As usual, I have magnetised them up with all the weapon options using a pin and magnet method. I suspect the weapons will take me longer...