by iosefward | Jan 27, 2016
So, the lists!Steve Young: Imperial FistsCenturion with Artificer Armour and Combat Shield10 Man Breacher Squad with Breacher ChargeStone Gauntlet Rite of War for Toughness 5 Baby smile emoticon300 on the noseRich Payne - FistsCenturion, power weapon, boarding...
by iosefward | Nov 18, 2015
So, not being able to currently afford the Calth box, I've been pondering lists and the like, and wondered how everyone else would approach this.You have 300 points to put together a fluffy legion boarding/defending force.This means no tanks/transports etc. One HQ...
by iosefward | Nov 4, 2015
So, finally, the Smog Riders campaign has hit! The character models alone have been phenomenal for painting, and improving my painting, but now they're bringing in vehicles!They venicles are coming in at about 90euro each. They should be pretty big, given the size of...
by iosefward | Oct 23, 2015
A brief non-gaming post. Well, ish.I've been drifting more and more into painting for non-gaming purposes. Recently I was lucky enough to win (another) competition, thanks to figone, on Facebook. The prize was a gorgeous bust and a absolutely massive, beautiful model...
by iosefward | Sep 15, 2015
So Scotland's first Age of Sigmar tournament has been and gone, and seemed quite successful. 20 people playing 3 games each over a day. This was the first time the Ogres have left home on their new, shiny, round bases. The games were fun. AoS can...