IA 11: Corsair Army List Revealed

A detailed listing of the new book's Corsair Eldar Army List has been revealed by poster 'Killgore' on Warseer:Just got back from London to find my signed IA 11 that I ordered using standard delivery waiting on my doorstep The Farseer special character...

Warp Spider Unit Complete

Finally some progress!Fresh off the painting table is a unit of 6 Warp Spiders led by Exarch.They're ready for some deep striking shenanigans on the battlefields of the 41st millennium to lay waste to the hordes of Necron scarabs that are intent on eating my tanks!!...

Eldar List Mongering

Art by GW. Color by MajesticChicken.Things have slowed down on the painting front, unfortunately. Real life just seems to creep up on you and put a hamper on your hobby progress. Darn responsibilities!Thankfully, there's another aspect of the hobby that doesn't...

Warp Spiders WIP

Some spiders in the house! Nothing like a big, hi-res pic to see what you're doing wrong.These are looking a little too sloppy for my tastes but I like to think that it's just the sculpt showing its age...ha!Hope we get some brand new plastic spiders next 'dex, but...

Warwalkers WIP II

Awesomesauce!!Finally some progress on my Warwalker. I've stuck with my original color scheme and am so far satisfied. Things started looking a lot better once I got more coats of white on the sucker and started on the details. Still takes waaaay too long than I would...