Imperial fists scout

Imperial fists scout

So here's the start of the next scout squad I've started. I've decided to go for imperial fists for this squad because I've always loved the imperial fists colour scheme. Painting yellow can be a royal pain in the arse but I've never painted anything with a yellow...
Dark angel scouts.

Dark angel scouts.

Hi guys. I've got 20 space marine scouts that I'll never actually use so I've decided to paint them up and then sell them off on ebay. I've got to say I've really enjoyed painting these guys and I'm a bit sorry to say goodbye to them. Especially when I've done such a...
Grey hunters.

Grey hunters.

Hi guys, here's what I've managed to get put together before I ran out of legs doh. Hopefully I'll be able to get my grubby little hands on some sooner rather than later but we'll see. I just live the space wolf range, they're what I imagine when I think of space...


Hi guys, sorry there's not been any posts lately, I've not really done all that much due to work. I have made some grey hunters space wolves but I've bloody ran.out of bloody legs aaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I need to get my hands on 8 pairs of apace marine...
Face tutorial.

Face tutorial.

Right then, I said on Facebook that I was gonna attempt a tutorial on painting faces. So here it is. I don't claim to be an amazing golden daemon winning painter virtuoso type person by any means so don't expect any of that blending nonsense or wet pallets and a...