Space Wolf Dreamin’ – My List Thoughts

A few months ago, I got bit by the Space Wolf.Bug. I meant the Space Wolf bug, the one that inspires you to take on a new army and buy a bunch of new toys and then… Leave them piled up on top of your bookshelf for months without paying them any more...

Last Chance: Superheroes vs Zombies for $0.99

Just a quick reminder for those who might be interested.  My new superhero novel for grown-ups is still up for pre-order until the end of the month, during which time you can snag the ebook for only 99 cents!  After February 1st it will go to it’s natural price...

New Eldar Harlequin Rules JDK

I have mixed feelings about the rumors of a new Harlie codex.  I remember back in the day when making a harlie force was doable.  And I can still visualize the White Dwarf pages from 1980-something when they first came out and had tables to roll on for psychic powers...

Awesome 40K Campaign Rules

I wish I could claim these as my own, but I can’t.  I haven’t been getting to much hobby stuff lately, but I came across this blog entry from Sons of Taurus and thought it was too good not to share.  I don’t know how many folks collaborated to come...
Crimson Fist List

Crimson Fist List

All this talk of the Standish Standoff makes me wish I could participate!  So I thought I’d come up with a list, just for fun.  It’s 1650pts, right?  So I reconfigured my classic Crimson Fists list, which I’ve only used once or twice in 7th edition...