Eldar Dark Reaper Conversions: WIP

Here are the first pair of my new “Black Phoenix” Dark Reapers.  I’m planning to make four, plus a fifth exarch model.  This has been a project on my list for some time and I finally decided to get something done late Sunday night (didn’t go to...

CFKT II: Crimson Fist Kill Teams part 2

I can spend hours coming up with kill team combos and cool black-ops characters to fill the most important spots on the roster.  Here’s a few characters I came up with so far (by no means an exhaustive list): Warhawk.  There’s nothing in this sector that walks,...

CFKT I: Crimson Fist Kill Teams (part 1)

With the revision and republication of the 40K Kill Team rules comes a second wind for me in playing my Crimson Fists.  (Well, the new codex helped a little bit too.)  Actually, Kill Teams offers a new opportunity to play a lot of different armies, even more so than...

Black Friday Sale and Audiobook Giveaway

Forgive me for basically copying and pasting this from my own blog over to here, but I thought some of you fine folks here at Creative Twilight might also be interested in my free audiobook giveaway.   Maybe something to listen to while painting your minis… ***...

Chaos Bikers: Red Skull Biker Gang

I was hoping to get to these guys this weekend but it isn’t going to happen.  Still haven’t replaced the garbage disposal in the sink I bought a week ago… Guess I better do that instead.  But I thought I’d share what little I have on the bikers...