More Chaos Counts-As: Horsemen of the Apocalypse

This is kind of a continuation of the conversation Thor and I were having on a similar Chaos counts-as post on my blog over at Brink’s Chaos Theory.   In my Chaos dreaming I also came up with the idea of having a Four Horsemen kind of unit and tried to...Read...

No Minis Required: Eldar Sign

It’s been a while since I’ve been over here, as my hobby time is getting thinner and thinner.  So I hope you don’t mind if I talk about a game that has nothing to do with 40K at all!  (Cuz we all need a break once in a while, right?)...Read MoreThe...

The Usual Suspects: Chaos Marine List, 1250 pts

It seems fitting that I’d come by to post this little blurb at this time, just as everyone else is talking about their chaos armies.  I have here what I thought would be a fun and well-balanced list for 1250 points, complete with mugshots and favored by the...

25% Off New Novel Download

After twelve years of development, including the last four years of writing and rewriting, I have FINALLY published my fantasy novel! You may have seen my last post asking about which cover design was more attention-grabbing, and some of you offered me some very...

New Fantasy Novel: Cover Survey

I hope you good folks don’t mind something a bit off topic today.  I’m just about finished with the content of my fantasy novel Tarnish, after literally years of dreaming and writing and rewriting.  But before I can publish it I need to wrap it in an...