Feurranator Update

 Added some minor details but making a big change to the base...So as soon as I painted the black around the rim I realized I had made a slight oversight. I had forgotten my Raptors are all based in a reddish Martian wasteland setting, so as mush as I enjoy the...

Raptors Brother Feurranator

 First model of the year -- a special Terminator Hero for my Raptors army.If this guy looks familiar, it's because it was also the first model I worked on last year, which is what it looked like the rest of the year until yesterday.I might pick out a couple more...

2020 Recap & a Decade of Blogging

A video summary of 2020; the year that made our grim-dark fantasy world seem preferable to the real one.So the last post draft was jinxed... big time. No joke, there I was the morning of January 6th, literally typing up how awful 2020 was and trying to find a...


 Buffalo, New York. It's December 15th... Happy 'Every Time I Die' Day!I recently learned that this was an official thing (source 2), which is pretty cool. Every Time I Die is one of my favorite bands, and lord knows I played the hell out of their...

Unity Challenge Update

 Some progress was made on the Unit challenge, and I finish up a big quarantine project...So November has flown by in a blur, which I guess I should come to expect by now given that 3 of my 4 children have back to back to back Fall birthdays which lead right into...