And the winner is…

After a real-life visit from papa nurgle ran its course thru all six of us, delaying the conclusion of our Good vs Evil match for a few weeks, we finally have a winner...Gabe's Tau surround the end-game objectiveTau! Gabe wisely moved his Riptide forward to box me out...

1st Model & Games of 2020

Here's the start of my first hobby project for the new year, a peek at what's next in the line-up, and some pictures from a recent game of 40k.Space Marine Heroes: Series 2Here we have Brother Feurran which I picked up at the local Barnes & Noble. I wasn't sure...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and has a wonderful new year. Bring on 2020! I for one am really looking forward to the new year. 2019 was a tough one... I'm planning to do a recap of the year as there's a bunch of stuff I failed to talk...


Yup 💩I had hoped to participate in this year's Dreadtober community challenge, and like last year was planning to go even bigger with my entry in the form of my long neglected Eldar Wraithknight...... but back-to-school germs have ravaged us and everyone in the...

NOVA 2019 Event Photos

NOVA 2019 was epic! Here's all of my event photos from Friday - Sunday!It's back to school day so I don't have much time to type up my event recap (hopefully later in the week), but wanted to get the pictures uploaded as there were some truly stunning pieces in...