Bookshelf: Comic Review Harke and Burr.

Time for a quick bookshelf comics review, this time it is a free comic that came with Judge Dredd Meg 350.Harke & BurrWhere Monsters meet misfits!The Cursed Earth is a strange and dangerous place, full of bizarre relics and even more bizarre collectors. Likeable...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Tom Green Milk Stout

It's beer o'clock time somewhere! With Craft Beers gaining such popularity it is no surprise that bands and celebrities want to hop on the bandwagon. Sometimes it can produce great results like this beer I'm about review. whilst other times it's a a bit meh... Looking...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- La Chouape Double Chat Chat

Hey drinking buddies, today I am turning my attention to La Chouape brewery and their Double Chat Chat, Belgian style beer. For the sake of honesty this beer was chosen by my better half and you can find her on instagram @nonabakes (she makes some amazing...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Dredd Meg 201

Welcome friends to The Bookshelf-Comics. This section of the bookshelf will just looking into weekly/monthly comics/magazines, basically anything that isn't a complete book. As my regular readers must know by now, I am a big Dredd fan. I enjoy all things Dredd...

S102: Fluff- Part 2: The Undercity

Welcome Dredd-heads to another fluff update. This time we delve into a part of the Dredd verse I really enjoy, the Undercity! This article is based off a blog entry by Mongoose Publishing, but is also taken from Dredd sites all over the internet, so...