Scratch Built Imperial Navy Fury Interceptor P2

Basic hull, dorsal side up   Some years ago I scratch built an Imperial Guard troop lander. Then I used balsa wood to make the main hull chassis, and hung thin plasticard on it as a skin finish. This time I bought some heavy plasticard and used it to make a...

Scratch Built Imperial Navy Fury Interceptor P1

I have this yen, to build a Fury Interceptor as a terrain piece for combat within space ship landing bays.The first thing I need to know is what a Fury looks like. Well it is big, up to 100m long and comes in various marks of different size. But the only GW pic I...

Alpha Legion Sorcerer

This is an independent sculpt from a small company that I can't now find. I bought it on eBay and thought it a great model for my small Alpha Legion Army of infiltrators.This army consists of a few Legion elite marines, some operatives,and cultists/gangers.The...

Kitbashed Nurgle Plagueburst Crawler

Many Black Moons ago, I purchased a second-hand Nurgle-painted Rhino off eBay in an effort to give my plague marines some mobility. I tarted it up a bit and then abandoned the model when the rules changed and transports became death traps.However, I had a spare...