Review Heresy Labs: Inquisitor Messalina

Inquisitor MessalinaThere is, of course, no such thing as a Traitor Inquisitor. On the other hand there are Radical Inquisitors, some of which can be reclassified by their peers as Rogue Inquisitors or even Excommunicate Traitoris.But, by their own lights, they...

40K: Cult Of The Cleansing Flame

 ChurchwardensOccasionally, the Temple of the Cleansing Flame finds it necessary to deal robustly with unbelievers and apostates.In such situations a Churchwarden Team is usually deployed.Eldar & VergerChurchwardens are led by Vergers. Ideally, the team...

One Hour Skirmish Wargames: ISIS Patrol Army List

ISIS Motorised PatrolI recently came across a GoPro video shot by an ISIS Commander: it was taken off his body.It featured a motorised patrol of ISIS fighters all in one vehicle that had got in a fight with US soldiers.What struck me was the very poor morale of the...

Creations of Fabius Bile: Slaaneshi Cult

Cult Of The Iridescent WingsThe final unit to add to my 'Creations of Fabius Bile' Warband is a Slaaneshi Cult of The Iridescent Wings - a group of radical avant garde artists who have gone just a leetle too far in their love of bright new abstract art to sweep...

Emperor’s Children Venom Crawler

Poised To StrikeAnother unit for my 12th Company Emperor's children allied with Fabius Bile.Side view showing the cannon.Colour blending was done using a stippling technique.My Fabius base models are decorated with dried mud and the odd bush and desert flower.