Corvus Pattern Storm Raven

Ok, I think we can all admit that the official model for the Storm Raven is a bit...meh.I saw the Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar and was smitten.  If only it wasn't picked one up and went to work!First I worked on the I on the top of the...

Medusa V returns?

Looks like I'm up to no good again.It's Medusa V emerging from the warp storm that ravaged it's system.  How did it survive?  Will your troops make it back after the battle?  Check it out.Link to new blog

Raven Guard Sniper Scouts and LSS (now with paint)

Although I enjoyed the previous two paint schemes of my Raven Guard & Raptor Scout Squads, I thought I'd try and something a with a dirty grimy feel to it.  The Land Speeder Storm started black with white markings.  (Really, I swear its true.)  It...

Raven Guard Scout Snipers and thier Land Speeder Storm

These Raven Guard Scout Snipers are veterans and have learned its way easier to ride than walk.  A slight mishap with gear storage on the rear wing makes for a perfect perch.Wait.... What do you mean, that there's no way they could stand there?  Have you...

My Retribution Retinue Reinforcements.

I've been working on my force in preparation for a 50point tournament at the end of the month. Unpainted models are allowed, but with such a comparatively small force, I'm hoping to have it finished in time.Here's a shot of the entire force, though reinforcements...