Introducing Shadow Captain Fulgor Moriorum

Introducing Shadow Captain Fulgor Moriorum

 Shadow Captain Fulgor Moriorum is the leader of the Raven Guard's 11th Company.  The 11th Company is similar in many ways to the 10th Company in that it has a large number of Scouts, but little more is known about it's formation. The 11th Company has been...
To Shrike or not to Shrike

To Shrike or not to Shrike

We all know our favorite Shadow Captain of the Raven Guard.  He is a very characterful choice for a Raven Guard Army, but the real question is how much does he help out your force?Shrike can join only Jump Pack troops, that makes sense and gets rid of that silly...
1st Raven Guard list with new codex

1st Raven Guard list with new codex

I decided to add up a quick list for my Raven Guard that would make the most use of my ability to take Land Speeder Storms as dedicated transports.1497 PointsHQ 185 Shrike195Command Squad, Bikes, Apothecary, Company Champion, 3x Power SwordsTroops125Scout Squad 1, Vet...
Raven Guard and the new Codex

Raven Guard and the new Codex

I have my new digital Enhanced Space Marine Codex and I am quite happy. The Enhanced codex is very nice even with its missing requisition function.  The audio sections are nice and some may be taken from the existing Black Library audio...
Raven Guard Modified Armor Conversion

Raven Guard Modified Armor Conversion

While reading a few books featuring the Raven Guard, I took note of how they liked to silence and modify their armor in order to strike from the shadows.  I thought that on the eve of the release of the  latest Space Marine Codex, I would post my attempts to capture...