Small Powerfield Design Work Complete

I did some more work on the design while waiting for some paint to dry.  Sadly the paint was in my kitchen and not on one of my miniatures....  My initial design for the short sections was limited by the fidelity of my cutting instrument which was a simple jigsaw. ...

A Digital Eldar Defense Line Section

I did some CAD work and was able to put together a nice picture of what a section of the new completed defense line will look like.I have to admit, it looks pretty darn good.  I am anxious to see how the various 3D printers do in capturing the detail.Read more »

Space Elf Defense Line in Prototyping Stages

 While I was struggling with sculpting my Eldar Aegis Defense Line, I had the idea that if I could make a 3D model of it, I could just print out as many copies as I needed.  The best part was that it would be symmetrical and not suffer from my poor clay and greenstuff...

Digital Sculpting and Eldar Plylon for Defense Line

After some more work in Autodesk Inventor, I have a model of an end pylon that I am happy with. Next up is to export it and then get a test 3D print of it.  If it looks good, I'll work on the power fields and the pricing.  What do you think?

Rebirth of an Eldar Aegis Defense Line

If you've been here before, You have likely seen my Eldar Aegis Defense Line that I sculpted, cast and then subsequently sold.Sadly it was not the cash cow I'd been hoping for.I decided to take a stab at reproducing it digitally, and if I am satisfied with the...