Bastion with Moat! (now with 32% more water)

Hey everyone!  The "Realistic Water" tm has dried and I am very pleased.  I thought I would liven the pictures up a bit with a few figures, since I figured a few pictures of glossy acrylic wouldn't be very awe inspiring.I don't know how they made it this...

Realistic (Unintended) Water Effects

So I was pleasently surprised when my order of Realistic Water (tm) from Woodland Scenics arrived this afternoon.  I, of course, dashed right in and skimmed the instructions.  With a twist of the cap, I was pouring the milky liquid.  I was quite happy...

District 11 WIP

After a bit of a delay, I've started working on the Shanty Town located across from the manufactorum.  This piece of terrain will have an 8" wide road with shacks stacked on both sides.  So far I have the hill and one side complete.The road will curve to the...

A Ruined Manufactorum

It is finished.  Or wrecked?  Maybe completely wrecked?  Anyway, I have put enough details, paint etc on the second mega-terrain tile that it is certainly in playable condition.  Because I'm sure you want to get to the pictures, here they are:Before:More after the...

I’ve won a Liebster Award

 So, the incomparable Headologist over at Do You Have A Flag? has nominated me for a Liebster Award.  Ok, so what is the Award?  Well, it is a way to help promote your favorite blogs.  Here are the rules I was given. 1. Copy and paste the award on...