A Ruined Manufactorum WIP 2

As I wait on my water for the bastion, I have continued a bit of work on the ruined manufactorum.   The design has evolved as these things are want to do, but I've learned to go with it.  I've added weapons and details to the right side and have...

An awesome beginning to a ciyfight table.

Hey There!Look what I found on the internet.  This cityfight board is made up of 2 foot by 2 foot tiles.  Now I've made a few modular cityfight boards, and seen quite a few more, but none have impressed me with the simplicity and usability of this one...

A Ruined Manufactorum WIP 1

The Manufactorum Sigma-45 was an important production facility for the Planet of Medusa V.  When the Chaos forces came it was quickly subverted by the cultists who had infiltrated the administratum.  Once this became known, the Fleet Command ensured that it...

Bastion with Moat WIP 4

I'm struggling to find words to describe how awesome this project has been coming out.  I have to thank Admiral Drax over at admiraldrax.blogspot.com who posed the question of why there are no moats in 40K.  There was a spirited discussion, links to pictures...

A Plan for a Ruined Manufactorum

Yes, I'm still working on the Bastion with Moat or BwM, and it is coming along nicely.  So while I wait for paint to dry I thought I would share my plan for the BwM's evil twin. This massive fortifified ruin would be placed at the opposite corner...