New Project: IG Liaison Officer Exchange

In a spirit of cooperation and friendship, I plan to model up a few extra officers of the Medusan Imperial Guard.These officers will then be sent to deserving bloggers, to be used as Veteran Sergeants, Officers of the Fleet, Platoon Commanders, Masters of Ordinance,...

Bastion with Moat WIP 3 (almost done)

So not only did I get the bastion 90% finished, I'm pretty happy with how everything else is looking.I just left it in the garage with a bit of paint on the foam.So here it is before the paint from all four sides: above you can see one entrance and below you can see...

BwM WIP 2 (Bastion with Moat)

My Bastion kits arrived just a few hours and I have been quite busy.I have shaped the hills and added planks to the inside of the moat.I have decided to go with the square version of the bastion, as I think it fits the civil war fort theme better.The bastion will have...

Bastion with Moat (BwM) Project WIP 1

An update!I have procured foam, and have a rough idea how I want to build the bastion which I should have in my hands tomorrow.Here you can see the 3 tiers and the Aegis defense line the L shape represents the outline of the bastion Here you can get a good...

A Challenge Accepted! (MOATS)

I've been a bit low on my hobby mojo, with my slowly developing EADL and general lack of enthusiasm for gaming.  But then, an intriguing idea is presented, and hobby mojo is restored.Drax was having a thought about the lack of moats in 40Kread it...