Eldar Aegis Defense Line (EADL) Ver2.0 WIP 1

A comparison of the new sculpt (left) and the original (right)Welcome back!  I have decided to try an new method of making the pylons and in preparation have produced a new sculpt.  While I have recieved praise for the original, there were a few things that...

The Best Laid Plans (and post#100)

I had these dreams of being able to cast enough of these to offset the cost of creating new and exciting Eldar terrain projects. Today I find myself disheartened as I am forced to admit that further casting for profit of these pylons is pointless.  It isn't...

Ruins of Medusa V Web Campaign Starts NOW

The time for small skirmishes is over. Battles wil be joined, glory won, relics reclaimed. Check out The Ruins of Medusa V and join the battles!  It's free.  And fun.  And your narrative battle reports might get featured on the main page...

An Astropathic Intercept

++++Eyes Only for Inquisitor XXXXXX++++ The following is the transcript of the mad Astropath Xingu's ravings. This and all of the additional transcrips have been deemed heretical and all copies save this have been destroyed. It is believed that while recieving a...