Wraithguard and Army Status

 And another squad is finished.  I won't torture you with another before picture, but you can rest assured that these were one of my first purchases off eBay in late 2005.  They were originally bright orange, but by May of 2006 I had primed them black.  By 2009, I...

Dire Avengers completed…it only took 6 years.

With another squad completed another source of shame passes behind me.   I’ve had these Dire Avengers since long before the 4th Edition Codex came out.  While my painting skills have improved considerably since I got my first Eldar miniatures, I...

Second Guardian Squad Finished

I got the second Guardian Squad and both Weapon Platforms finished today.  I also got a start on the Wraithguard Squad.   I decided to keep the yellow helmets and just paint a single backpack vane white to designate the second squad. They all look a bit...

Guardians Finally Get Some Love

 After many years, some of my very first Eldar minis are getting a decent paint job on them. To understand just how far they've come I've included some before and after shots.  The before shot is from 2008ish and they hadn't been touched at all until just...