Some "Less Than Perfect Ruins" Examples

Before we finish up our building, I wanted to post up a few pictures that show some less than perfect ruins and explain why they sometimes cause problems in games.Here we see a standard Games Workshop Cities of Death Building.  It is made quite sturdy, the gothic...

Building our Ruined Building Part 2

So, once I had the block in place, I started glueing the walls in place. I checked the spacing occasionally with my Chaos Predator. The white walls were cast from a 3d printed master wall I designed. The black walls were printed just for this ruin. Although the...

Building our Ruined Building Part 1

Before we can start on our terrain, let’s start by defining some parameters.  -This piece will be able to be placed 3” from a table edge and forces deploy in it up to the standard deployment zone of 12”-This terrain will be a ruined building with a base that...

Let’s Talk About 40K Terrain

While some battles may take place on flat, level terrain with little to block line of sight, these are typically dominated by who has the most and longest ranged guns. This can be fun, but removes the battlefield as a component of the gameplay. Even in this case,...

8th Edition and Why I Need to Change How I Play

So we've all been playing the 8th edition of Warhammer 40K for several months now.  If your experience is anything like my gaming group and mine, there have been some harsh lessons to learn. While my experience has been overwhelmingly positive, I must admit some...