Roll Call for the 83rd Catachan and Painting Progress

I did it.  I finally sat down and broke up my pile of Catachan's and their vehicles into a set of legal squads for 8th edition.  At the same time, I went and noted the painting level of each of the units in a handy dandy excel spreadsheet.While everything on...

Progress, However Slow, is Still Progress

Two weekends ago, I had a 2000 point battle. Those 3 squads on the left.  Black primer and that's it.Now look at them.  Ready for battle.I have a lot more left to do in this army, but at least I know that those squads are no longer only wearing their primer.

A Quick Skirmish

I got the chance to play a PL 50-ish game today.   Since the 83rd Catachan is busy trying on new uniforms, I thought I'd bring my Raven Guard.My army wasShrikeLibrarian with Jump Pack10 man Assault Squad with Jump Packs5 Scouts with close combat...

Colonel Trakken

I've been feeling bad that my Army's commander was still wearing his "night camo" black primer.  So I worked extra hard to get him finished quickly.Here's how he looked last battle in his night camouflage.Here's a shot of him with a base coatHere's how he looked...

Intercepted Communication

Hey there!  If you've read my previous posts listing the order of battle and the battle report for my last game of 40K, you might enjoy hearing what my opponent had to say about it.Enemy Battle Report