Battle Report: Heretic’s Ambush – 2000pts (8th edition)

It seems with a lack of Xenos and Chaos in the sector, the high command has taken its normal political maneuvering and escalated it to pitting imperial forces against each other in their bids to assume supreme command of the sector.This report was compiled from...

Major Hellstrom and Mortar Training

Good day to you.  May I introduce my new Company Commander, Major Hellstrom:Major Hellstrom has procured a powerfist he calls the "Hand of Experience", and a plasma pistol the he calls "Respect"   Major Hellstrom enjoys showing his enemies respect. ...

Taurox Hovercraft – Now with more Fans!

Hey everybody!  Thanks for all the feedback.  Not only have I added the skirts to the Hover-Taurox, but my order of fans came in from China!I am super happy about how well they fit and almost wish I'd planned to have them be operational.  They are 40mm...

Taurox Hovercraft Feedback Requested

ello,  I had some second thoughts about the design of the Taurox air cushion skirt, so I printed up an adapter.  It adds about .5 inches (13mmm) to the length and width.Please let me know which you think looks better It slips over the existing wavy...