Taurox, Swampified.

Hey, glad to see you stopped by.   I just got done showing the Colonel the "Taurox" light infantry carriers and I'd be glad to show you as well.  One Warning:  They've been 'swampified'.Yikes...  I tried to get out of the picture, but this demo...

Review of the 83rd Catachan’s Motor Pool

Col Trakken was able to take a Valkyrie and view the 83rd Catachan's motor pool today.  Here are some picture's his aide was able to take.It appears a Space Marine and Dreadnought were visiting the motor pool while the Colonel flew over. The aide was assured that...

Sneak peek at New Swamp Tank

Hey there, I don't have much time to post at the moment, but wanted to share a quick picture of the new Swamp Tank that will count as a Leman Russ with side sponsons.Let me know what you think.  Also need a good name for it too.

Roll Call!

*****Confidential and Sensitive Communication**********If you are not the intended recipient, please turn yourself in for summary execution.****Colonel Trakken,   As I promised when we met on the battlefield, your courage and leadership on that day will be...

Counts as Leman Russ (the tank)

Welcome to another post where I showcase a design in progress for my new Imperial Guard Astra Militarum Regiment.  The forces raised on Dagob 4-H are a hardy resourceful folk, and they aren't the type to ask for help.  They prefer to solve problems on their...