I’m back!! (hopefully)

So as usual, I've been utterly terrible at keeping up with this blog. I've been in a bit of a hobby funk recently that I've just gotten over, so hopefully I'll be getting a bit more to show you guys soon.I did manage to get these guys done for my AoS Slaanesh though:...

Savage things

So after my last post I was raring to go with hobby and get a load done. My body had other ideas though and I spent the next week and a half feeling extremely ill. Bloody typical!Now I'm in the mend though, I've not only been able to get a couple more games of Old...

Old World Shenanigans

Despite my best of intentions, I've been pretty lazy with posting so far this year. January is usually quite a productive month for me, as I normally work a bit less as things calm down from the Christmas rush, but it turned out to be an unexpectedly busy month...

Goodbye 2023, hello 2024

Happy New Year to you all!Im a little later than usual with my end of year hobby review post, but at least I'm here now. Welcome to my annual hobby ramble! I actually had a really good hobby year in 2023. I joined a new gaming group at the start of the year, so...

Green Christmas

I've spent a lot of the last month being pretty ill. Nothing too serious, but I've been feeling rough as hell.As you can imagine, that put quite a crimp in my hobby mojo for a while. Luckily in the last week or so I've been able the get some of my momentum back.I'm...