A plethora of progress

 I've been pretty busy over the last couple of days. I've decided to push on with my quicker method for doing my Deamonettes, mostly because I want a chance of being able to game with my Daemons force at some point in the foreseeable future. I surprised even...

Quantity vs Quality

As I talked about in my New Year post, my goal for this year is to only play games with painted models. That's a great goal to aim for, but it's thrown up an unexpected quandry, which I want to talk about today.My mantra when painting over the past couple of years has...

Thing are going to get loud!

After my pretty massive progress post last time, I decided to swap quantity for volume:It's a terrible pun, but I'm not even sorry!I picked this guy for my Emperor's Children up just before Christmas. I've tried to include stylisitic elements from the 80's models into...

Happy New Year!

Once again I haven't posted up here for a while. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back into the habit of blogging again on a regular basis, so hopefully that'll improve.My second resolution is to try and clear my hobby backlog and bring my painting points...

I’m back – with Titans!

My levels of hobby productivity has been a bit erratic recently. As a result, I haven't had a chance to post anything up here for ages. It's hardly surprising, considering how manic this summer has been at work. Now the worst of that is over though, I want to try to...