I've been pretty busy over the last couple of days. I've decided to push on with my quicker method for doing my Deamonettes, mostly because I want a chance of being able to game with my Daemons force at some point in the foreseeable future. I surprised even myself a little with how much I've gotten done though!

That's 30 Deamonettes finished over two night's worth of hobby sessions. Not bad at all and I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. I'm so happy in fact that I'm actually considering leaving them as they are rather than going back later and improving on them later.

I also got a couple of Heralds finished too. I decided to give these the full treatment on their paint jobs, seeing as they're characters.

These actually came together really quickly, both in one sitting. I think it's down to them being such lovely sculpts. The Enrapturess in particular was a joy to paint, even though she was an absolute arse to put together. Hopefully the mere fact of her existence means that Slaanesh is going to be getting some love soon too.

I also managed to sit down and finally finish up my Eschers:

It was only a few odds and ends that needed doing, but it's still nice to have them done.

The Ultra Violets have had mixed start to the campaign, winning one game easily and losing the other quite heavily. I somewhat underestimated the power of Cawdor and their massed flamers! I managed to crawl away with no lasting injuries though, so that's always a bonus. Next time I'll be facing them on an open field rather than Zone Mortalis though, so hopefully I can get some revenge!

All in all I'd say that I've made a healthy amount of hobby progress in the past few weeks. By my count I've netted 62 points of positive progress, inching my closer to my goal of positive figures. 

Hopefully I can keep this flow of progress going, as I've got my eyes on an upcoming project that's going to knock quite a big chunk out of that. More on that later. For now I want to knock out a few more Slaanesh models before I get too distracted by other things.