Mortis walks!

I think I've managed to blow up both my painting points and hobby budget in the most spectacular way possible!Adeptus Titanicus launched last weekend and I bought into it hard. As a result, two Grand Master Editions are currently sitting on my hobby desk, ready to be...

Returning to Sons of Horus

Something almost unprecedented has happened: I made a hobby plan and actually stuck to it!Yes, I'm as shocked as you are. I decided to add to my Sons of Horus for the first time in about 3 years, painting up some Reavers which I knocked together from my bits box...

Plenty of Progress

The weather's finally cooled down here, so my motivation to paint's come rushing back. To celebrate, I finished off a load of models for my Thousand Sons over the weekend!That's a pretty solid chunk of progress. It feels nice to be finally getting on with things, as I...

Tank Soup

I'm not sure if this counts as progress or a step backwards.I haven't really managed to do much over the last couple of days. The return of this seemingly endless heatwave has competely sapped my energy to do anything again, so I haven't been feeling up to doing any...

Scattershot Progress

My run of random 30k productivity seems to be continuing. This time I've made a start on a crewman for a Quad Mortar and made an Apothecary to go into my Breachers. Both are needed for my planned 3000 point force, but neither are what I'd planned to do when I sat down...